Fungi Education Workshop Training Videos
A video library from our teacher workshops. Watch experienced mycologists present and model how to best teach lessons in the FF Curriculum and The Fungus Files.
Introduction to Teaching Fungi Education
Curriculum and Fungi Education Website Overview
K-5 Activities-The Fungus Files
Module 1: Intro & Grow Kit Demo & Lesson 1: Observing and Identifying Mushrooms
Module 1: Lesson 2- Nature's Intelligence:The Wood Wide Web of Mycelia
Module 1- Lesson 3: Kinship in Nature—Plants, Animals, and Fungi
Module 2- Lesson 2: The Medicinal Possibilities of Fungi
Module 3: Lesson 2-Fostering Community-Participating in Citizen Science
Introduction to Growing Mushrooms with Mushroom Grow Kit- Hayley Kats, Smallhold
Mycorrhizal Networks Lesson & Activity by Gabriel Orrego
Mushroom Growing- Louis Giller, North Spore
Hands-On Activities for Every Child Webinar Introduction by Antonio Cillero